Saturday, March 16, 2013

Newborn Screening and PKU

Obviously all of those numbers are estimates but you get the point

Newborn screening was introduced as a public health program in the 1960’s and as you can see, made a huge difference in the lives of those born with PKU since then (info from  PKU was the first disorder to be tested for using modern newborn screening.  Robert Guthrie developed a simple method to detect high levels of phenylalanine in the blood shortly after a baby was born. 

Robert Guthrie looks exactly like Steve Higgens, 
the announcer from the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon

Guthrie realized at the time that a simple, inexpensive (some things never change) method would be needed if testing were to be done on a large scale.  Through the years, using mass spectrometry, we can now detect a wide variety of conditions from just a single drop of dried blood on a piece of filter paper based on the original methods used by Guthrie.

Newborn Screening is essential for PKU because any damage done is irreversible.  We are forever grateful for the advances made in health science and the work of Robert Guthrie.

Cute Video of Laurel (Finches and Doves)

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